Protecting Your AC from Dust: Tips & Tricks

So, you’ve just cleaned the house and notice dust settling on the furniture a only couple of minutes later. Where does it come from? You’ve closed all the doors and windows and spent quite a bit of time dusting the surfaces in your home.

Your trusted air conditioning unit may be the culprit, believe it or not. Despite being designed to clean the air in your indoor space, your AC is actually making your house dusty. So, what do you do? The finest experts for air conditioning repair in Temecula are here to explain why your AC is blowing dust and show you what you can do to fix the issue. Read on!

What causes excessive dust in a house?

There are many reasons why your home may be dusty, and many of them have to do with your air conditioner. Here are some of the potential culprits for the dust in your home:

Dusty clogged air conditioner filter
  • Your filters are clogged: you should have your AC filters replaced at least once every three months. If you notice heavy dust buildup in your home, you may need to clean or replace the filters more frequently.
  • Your ducts are dirty: dust, dirt, and other debris can accumulate in your ducts over time and find its way into your home no matter how frequently you clean and dust. We recommend scheduling our professional duct cleaning service every couple of years to keep the dust at bay.
  • Your AC needs maintenance: timely maintenance checks and tune-ups will help prevent dust build up in your AC system. The best way to achieve this is to have your unit inspected and serviced at least once a year, before the summer season.
  • Your AC is not up to the task: an air conditioner that is more than 10 years old will most likely struggle with cooling down your home and keeping the air free from dust. If that’s the case, consider purchasing a new cooling system.
  • You need a better vacuum cleaner: unless your vacuum has a HEPA-filter, it may not be efficient enough at picking up the dust in your home. Instead, it may only move the dust around. Upgrading your vacuum may help with your dust problem immensely.

Why is my AC blowing dust?

If there is excessive dust blowing from your AC vents, a simple filter cleaning may not be enough to solve the issue. Here is why dust may be coming out of your vents and what you can do about it:

Your ducts are leaky
Leaky ducts are a common problem among homeowners. Since your ducts are probably located behind the walls, in the attic, or the basement (all very dusty areas), your AC system can pick up this dust and distribute it throughout your home.

The best solution for this problem is our duct sealing service. We will inspect your ducts, determine the exact issue, and perform any necessary repairs or sealing. If you are moving into a new home, make sure to have the ducts inspected as soon as possible.

You need better filters
The filter in your air conditioning system is designed to clean the air before distributing it throughout your home. If your filters are low quality, they won’t be very efficient at performing their job, especially if they are not cleaned or replaced regularly.

In order to keep dust in check, you should consider purchasing a high-efficiency filtration system. Look for those with a high Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) since such filters are able to trap very small particles of dust and other contaminants. However, your filter shouldn’t have a rating that is too high, as this may decrease your system’s efficiency and increase your bills. Consult your HVAC technicians about the best choice of filters if you can’t decide.

Do air conditioners filter dust?

As we’ve already mentioned, most air conditioners have a dedicated filter that can trap dust and keep it from spreading around your home. However, not all filters are equally effective at capturing dust and other pollutants.

Luckily, you can upgrade your air conditioning unit with a modern air cleaning system that will remove particles such as dust, pet dander, smoke, pollen, and more from your space, significantly improving your air quality. Some of the most common air filtration options include electronic air cleaners, UV air purifiers, and high-efficiency pleated filters.

How do I keep the dust out of my air conditioner?

Ultimately, regular maintenance is the only surefire way to prevent dust build-up in your cooling system. During an annual tune-up, your HVAC technician will inspect and clean the interior components of your unit, removing dust mites and other contaminants. Additionally, professionals can also thoroughly clean your ductwork and deal with any leaks if necessary.

Regular maintenance service brings even more benefits. Your technicians will also inspect all the components of your unit to make sure they work properly, as well as tighten all electrical connections and lubricate all moving parts. This will maximize the lifespan of your system, prevent major repairs, boost energy efficiency, and decrease your energy bills.

We are your best choice for air conditioning repair in Temecula

If you can’t seem to keep dust out of your home, don’t despair. Action Air Conditioning, Heating & Solar is here to help you maintain good air quality in your home in Temecula Valley or anywhere else in the region. Our technicians are highly trained and qualified to tackle both simple and complex HVAC issues, so don’t hesitate to contact us whether you need help with dust or wonder why your air conditioner keeps blowing fuses.

We offer a maintenance program that will keep your heating and cooling system in pristine condition at all times. We go to great lengths to enable you to enjoy perfect comfort in your home all year round, offering dependable and comprehensive services you can always rely on. Contact Action Air Conditioning, Heating & Solar today and see for yourself.

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