Do You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

Denver electrician from Bell upgrading an electrical panel

There are a number of issues, both big and small, that can impact your home. But not many are scarier than that of electrical problems, due to the safety hazards they present. After all, a plumbing problem can cause a bit of water damage and an HVAC issue can leave you uncomfortable for a little bit, but a problem with your home’s wiring can lead to fires and electrocution.

One of the most commonly ignored electrical problems among homeowners is the need for an electrical panel upgrade. This might not seem like a serious issue, however, with the increased demand we’ve been placing on our electrical systems the past few decades, it should come as no surprise that eventually, your circuit breaker box might not be able to handle the demand. This is where you can run into serious side effects.

But, how do you know, outside of an electrician telling you so, that you need a panel upgrade? Read on to learn some key signs it might be time to upgrade your electrical panel or simply reach out to the licensed Denver electricians at Bell Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical today!

Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

Flickering Lights

Your house is not haunted. Alright, it’s probably not haunted. What’s more likely going on is that there is a short circuit in your electrical system. If it’s just one lamp or another small electrical fixture, then it may just be that particular fixture that’s malfunctioning.

But if we’re talking about a whole section of your home that is affected by flickering lights, then the short circuit is probably somewhere along your electrical wiring. If you notice your home experiencing this symptom often, then we highly recommend you give our pros a call.

Hot Spots

Have you ever put your hand on a light switch or outlet to notice that it is warm to the touch? Perhaps it was even a spot on the wall where you noticed this. Hot spots such as this typically indicate areas in your electrical system where current is flowing in a direction that it shouldn’t be. Electrical current that gets diverted to an area where it’s not supposed to be throws off heat due to the excess energy.

This excess heat is what you feel when you notice a hot spot like this. It’s a sign that you have a serious problem with your electrical system—one that could possibly cause a fire. You don’t want to neglect this sign, so be sure to give our pros a call for immediate repairs upon the discovery.

Frequent Circuit Breaker Tripping

Your circuit breakers are designed to protect your home from power surges. It’s worth it here to mention that whole house surge protection is an even more effective way to ensure your home is comprehensively protected, but the circuit breaker panels is where it starts. When a portion of your home’s electrical system suddenly starts carrying voltage beyond safe limits, the circuit breaker trips and that part of the system is shut down until the problem is resolved.

Sometimes, a circuit breaker will trip because the circuit is overloaded. If you can, unplug a few things and plug them into different outlets that have less electrical demand to see if they work there. It’s very likely, though, that the solution lies in upgrading your electrical panel.

Bell’s Licensed Electricians in Denver Are Standing By to Help!

Upgrading your electrical panel is a crucial step in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and functionality of your home’s electrical system. Recognizing the signs that you need an upgrade can prevent potential hazards and enhance your overall quality of life.

At Bell, our team of experienced electricians is ready to assess your current system and provide professional advice and services for an electrical panel upgrade. Don’t wait until a minor inconvenience becomes a major problem; contact Bell today to ensure your home’s electrical system is up-to-date, safe, and capable of meeting your needs!

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